
I.10 Biology Grade 11 – Teaching Biology from the Perspective of Individuality
Dirk Rohde | Sunday – Thursday, 8 – 9.30 am
Suggestions for teaching development in the light of ontogenesis.
Discussion of key characteristics of cell types (including practical work with microscopes).
Approaches to teach biology grade 11 in a main lesson block and in ongoing lessons.


II.18 11th Grade Chemistry I –Teaching Chemical Elements as Solidified Processes
Dirk Rohde | Sunday – Wednesday, 11.30 am – 1 pm, and Thursday, 9.45 – 11 am
How to find clues for an approach towards our Waldorf curriculum.
“Individualized” chemical elements, concept of atom, redox-reactions, electrolysis, periodic table as main topics.
Finding compromises between the required chemical theories for high school degrees and demands of our Waldorf way of teaching.
Experiments will be carried out that are suitable for teacher demonstrations and/or which can be done by students. Please bring your own lab coat!
It is highly recommended to participate in both: seminar II.18 and practical course III.35 since the practical course is mainly a continuation of the seminar.

III.35 11th Grade Chemistry II – Practical Course
Dirk Rohde | Sunday – Wednesday, 2.45 – 4.15 pm
Experiments will be carried out that are suitable for teacher demonstrations and/or which can be done by students. Please bring your own lab coat!
It is highly recommended to participate in both: seminar II.18 and practical course III.35 since the practical course is mainly a continuation of the seminar.

Geography (bilingual)

II.19 (bilingular) Geography and an Understanding of the World Economy I
Gunter Keller | Sunday – Wednesday, 11.30 am – 1 pm, and Thursday, 9.45 – 11 am
The course deals with the topic of economics and the basic economic processes. It is clear, that our current economic system is increasingly destroying nature and eroding the foundations of our peaceful society.
We are therefore faced with the task of transforming our economy towards a sustainable economy.
- What is an economy? The history of economics
- The time of neoliberalism and the end of the neoliberal paradigm
- Solidary economy, fair trade, Steiner’s idea of an associated economy
- Donut Economy
- Transformation and the 7 turnarounds
Please sign up for part 2 (III.36) of the seminar.

III.36 (bilingular) Geography and an Understanding of the World Economy II
Gunter Keller | Sunday – Wednesday, 2.45 – 4.15 pm
Continuation of course II.19