Artistic and Practical Workshops (bilingual)
Please note that didactic seminars in Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics and Computer Science will take place in parallel to these courses.
II.20 (bilingual) Board Drawing
Simona Grünhage | Sunday – Wednesday, 11.30 am – 1 pm, and Thursday, 9.45 – 11 am
Board drawing can be learnt! What's more, it's fun, helps shape lessons and the classroom and is an additional source of enjoyment for the pupils.
How can I translate and realise my message in a picture? To answer this question, we will work on techniques and points of view for illustrative and informative board drawing and paint a series of beautiful pictures.
II.21 (bilingual) Drawing
Gudrun Hofrichter | Sunday – Wednesday, 11.30 am – 1 pm, and Thursday, 9.45 – 11 am
Using pencil, chalk and charcoal, we will explore the human portrait.
We will practise drawing faces and heads realistically and from different perspectives through studies on the plaster model, graphic templates and observations of the living model.
The course is suitable for both advanced and beginners.
II.22 (bilingual) Painting Course on the 11th Grade Curriculum
Johannes Renzenbrink | Sunday – Wednesday, 11.30 am – 1 pm, and Thursday, 9.45 – 11 am
In this painting course, we will aim to interpret a self-chosen subject in various ways through multiple images, in line with the 11th grade curriculum. The diverse expressive possibilities of painting will become evident, and individual approaches to interpretation will also be highlighted. No prior painting experience is required for this course.
II.23 (bilingual) Bold Type – Design of and with Type
Josephine Schmücker | Sunday – Wednesday, 11.30 am – 1 pm, and Thursday, 9.45 – 11 am
The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge of typography and graphic design.
The handling of fonts in particular, but also colours, shapes and images, will be tested and assessed in practice.
II.24 (bilingual) International Choir Music
Helmut Weckesser | Sunday – Wednesday, 11.30 am – 1 pm, and Thursday, 9.45 – 11 am
We work on simple choral pieces from different countries.
The only requirement is that you enjoy singing.
II.25 (bilingual) Bothmer Gymnastics and Games
Gerlinde Idler | Sunday – Wednesday, 11.30 am – 1 pm, and Thursday, 9.45 – 11 am
Get to know some Bothmer-exercises for the upper school.
Encounter and awareness exercises where you meet colleagues, time, space and yourself.
A joyful balance to sitting, talking, thinking.
Please bring suitable clothing and non-slip indoor shoes!
IV.49 (bilingual) Ways of Integrating Media in your Lessons
Robert Neumann, Ulrike Sievers | Sunday – Wednesday, 4.45 – 6.15 pm
Analog and digital media can be used sensibly in upper school lessons to expand one's own repertoire of methods. We want to present some methods that can be implemented in all lessons without much effort.
Participants are invited to try out some of the methods themselves.